
/mythicprefixes opengui

Open the prefix gui. In-game only.

/mythicprefixes opengui <player>

Open the prefix gui for specified player. In-console only.

/mythicprefixes opengui <group>

Open the prefix gui, but only includes the tag of the specified group.

/mythicprefixes opengui <player> <group>

Open the prefix gui for specified player, but only includes the tag of the specified group.. In-console only.

/mythicprefixes reload

Reload the plugin.

/mythicprefixes addprefix <prefix>

Add new prefix for self. This is add, which means we won't try remove the prefix player already used. In-game only.

/mythicprefixes addprefix <player> <prefix>

Add new prefix for specifed player. This is add, which means we won't try remove the prefix player already used.

/mythicprefixes removeprefix <prefix>

Remove used prefix for self. In-game only.

/mythicprefixes removeprefix <player> <prefix>

Remove used prefix for specifed player.

/mythicprefixes viewusingprefix

View prefix you are using. In-game only.

/mythicprefixes viewusingprefix <player>

View specifed player using prefix.

/mythicprefixes setprefix <prefixes>

Set your using prefixes to specifed value. Support use ;; split each prefix.

/mythicprefixes setprefix <player> <prefixes>

Set specified player using prefixes to specifed value. Support use ;; split each prefix.

Command's permission

For permissions, you need give player mythicprefixes.<subCommand> to use corresponding command, like mythicprefixes.opengui.

Bypass permission

You can give player mythicprefixes.bypass.<prefixID> permission to make player bypass plugin check.

By default, op will have this permission.

Last updated