🖥️Display placeholder

Create a new display placeholder

Open config.yml file and you will find below contents:

  chat: # ID
    start-symbol: '&f['
    split-symbol: '&f, '
    end-symbol: '&f]'
    black-prefixes: []
    display-amount: 2
    empty-display: ''
      - 'default'
  # Second placeholder
  scoreboard: # ID
    start-symbol: '&f['
    split-symbol: '&f, '
    end-symbol: '&f]'
    black-prefixes: []

This is an example for display placeholder, and chat is it's ID. You can create unlimited display placeholder by this format.

  • start-symbol: The first content of the placeholder.

  • split-symbol: The interval content between each tag.

  • end-symbol: The last content of the placeholder.

  • black-prefixes: Tags added to the blacklist will not be displayed in this placeholder.

  • display-amount: The max amount of the prefix will display, set to -1 means unlimited

  • empty-display: The text will display if there is no tag to display. This will replace the content provided by start-symbol and end-symbol option.

  • default-prefixes: If there is no tag to display in this placeholder, we will use the default prefixes instead, we will find the first tag that the player can use in order from top to bottom. (Premium)

Use display placeholder

You can use display placeholder by using PlaceholderAPI in any other plugins support PlaceholderAPI, for more info, please view this page.

Last updated