đź“‹Tag GUI

You can use /prefix opengui to open tag GUI, player need mythicprefixes.opengui permission to use it.

You can set prefix display item slot at prefix-item-slots option in config.yml file.

Filter - Premium

You can add filter item by below format:

    # Set to -1 to hide.
    slot: 47
    material: ANVIL
    name: '&bFilter'
      - '&7Filter: {filter}'
      all: '&aALL'
      using: '&cUSING'
      can-use: '&dCan Use'

Custom Item

You can add custom item by below format:

    49: # Mean the slot
      material: SPAWNER
      name: '&4Unequip All tags'
        - '&cClick to unequip.'
          type: removeall
        extra-line: '&fThis can not rollback!'
    53: # Mean the slot
      material: BARRIER
      name: '&cClose'
        - '&cClick to close this menu.'
          type: close

Bedrock - Premium

This allows bedrock players display form UI instead of Java menus. Like this:

  # Premium version only
    enabled: true
    # Support value: FLOODGATE, UUID
    check-method: FLOODGATE


  • Both Geyser and Floodgate are required in your Spigot server. If you are using BungeeCord proxy, you need install them both in backward server and proxy server.

  • You must set Geyser's auth-type to floodgate.

  • You need carefully follow those steps to setup floodgate in your backend server if you are using BungeeCord.

If your server is correctly installed and configured with floorgate, the console will prompt Hooking into floorgate when UltimateShop start to run. If this prompt didn't appear but if you insist that your server has a floodgate, it is very likely that you accidentally downloaded the free version of the plugin.

  • All bedrock players will use the new UI. If not, you can try set choose-prefix-gui.bedrock.check-method option value from FLOODGATE to UUID in config.yml.

  • Bedrock UI is auto generated and don't need any manual modification.

For now, we support those options for bedrock buttons or prefix configs.

  • icon: The icon of this button, format is path;;<image path> or url;;<image url>. The image path is bedrock texture path, not your plugin path, for example: path;;textures/blocks/stone_granite.png. If you don't know what it is, ingore this, don't ask me.

  • hide: Hide button for bedrock players.

  • extra-line: Display second line at bedrock button, supports {buy-price} and {sell-price} placeholder for products.

Last updated